Decisive day shakes things up

We saw five wins with white pieces today, and only three draws. That’s a big change from the last two days where we saw one decisive game out of the last 16! The results of today sure shook things up. A favorite to win it all after yesterday was Aronian, but he fell to Hikaru today greatly dropping his chances of winning and qualifying. Now, there is no clear favorite to win, with six players all above a 10% chance.

Grigory Oparin is the biggest surprise up a half point in his pool with just two games left. He is the favorite to take down Pool A. He faces two tough remaining games, though, and on Sunday he will face Nakamura with the black pieces, and on Monday Aronian with the white pieces.

Check out the odds for everything below, and we will see you here on Sunday for another update after Round 5.

Odds to Win Leg 3

Name Win % Expected GP Points
Leinier Dominguez 16.9 6.8
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 14.4 6.1
Anish Giri 12.9 5.4
Wesley So 11.6 4.6
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 11.5 4.8
Hikaru Nakamura 10.3 4.2
Levon Aronian 7.3 4.5
Yu Yangyi 5.7 4.1
Grigoriy Oparin 2.9 4.9
Nikita Vitiugov 2.5 3.6
Alexandr Predke 1.7 2.9
Sam Shankland 1.5 3.1
Andrey Esipenko 0.7 1.3
Amin Tabatabaei 0.1 2.0
Vincent Keymer 0.1 2.2
Daniil Dubov 0.0 0.6

Leg 3 Pool Odds

Pool A

Name Win % Expected Pool Rank
Grigoriy Oparin 40.1 1.8
Hikaru Nakamura 27.7 2.2
Levon Aronian 26.1 2.0
Andrey Esipenko 6.1 3.3

Pool B

Name Win % Expected Pool Rank
Leinier Dominguez 56.6 1.5
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 41.6 1.7
Vincent Keymer 1.8 2.8
Daniil Dubov 0.0 3.6

Pool C

Name Win % Expected Pool Rank
Wesley So 31.3 2.1
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 31.2 2.0
Alexandr Predke 21.8 2.6
Sam Shankland 15.7 2.4

Pool D

Name Win % Expected Pool Rank
Anish Giri 40.8 1.9
Yu Yangyi 27.6 2.2
Nikita Vitiugov 21.9 2.2
Amin Tabatabaei 9.7 2.9

Possibilities for Qualification into Candidates Tournament

Overall odds of qualifying for the Candidates Tournament

Name Qualify % Expected GP Points
Richard Rapport 98.5 20.0
Hikaru Nakamura 31.7 17.2
Leinier Dominguez 17.6 13.8
Anish Giri 13.7 12.4
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 12.5 11.8
Levon Aronian 12.0 14.5
Wesley So 7.2 8.6
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 4.0 9.1
Sam Shankland 0.8 7.1
Andrey Esipenko 0.7 5.3
Nikita Vitiugov 0.6 6.6
Alexandr Predke 0.6 5.9
Amin Tabatabaei 0.0 5.0
Yu Yangyi 0.0 4.1